The Warm Home Discount -£140
Eligible households are separated into two groups: the ‘Core’ group and the ‘Broader’ group. For the year 2021/22 they will receive a one-off payment of £140 on their electricity or gas bill.
If you are in the Core Group
Customers of this group are Pension Credit customers who, on the 4th July 2021 (the ‘Qualification Date’), must meet the following criteria to qualify:
- You need to be the named account holder or partner of the named account holder on the Qualification Date
- You (or your partner) are in receipt of the Guarantee element of Pension Credit on this date
There’s no need for customers of the Core Group to make an application; the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will write to potential qualifying customers to inform them of their eligibility, and will then advise us of who should receive the payment.
Customer’s in the receipt of the Guaranteed element of Pension Credit should receive a letter from the DWP as follows:
- Where the DWP are able to ‘Match’ the eligible customer with the supplier, a letter is sent to the customer containing a reference that starts with an ‘M’. This letter advises the customer that the credit will be applied automatically by the supplier before the 31st March 2022.
- Where the DWP are unable to match the eligible customer to the supplier, a letter is sent to the customer with a ‘U’ reference (Unmatched) that advises the customer to contact the DWP to advise who their supplier is. The DWP contact number for Unmatched customers is 0800 917 1003. Payments are made by the 31st March 2022.Please note:
- Whichever supplier a customer is with on the Qualification Date is the supplier that will pay the credit.
- The DWP call centre opens on 18th October 2021 and closes on 25th March 2022.
- If a customer hasn’t received a letter from the DWP, they can call 0800 917 1003 to query if they are eligible under the scheme.
The deadline date to claim a Warm Home Discount Scheme Core Group credit is the 28th February 2022. Please ensure you contact the helpline prior to this date so that you don’t miss out.
If you are in the Broader Group
The Broader Group is open to existing customers who must continue to be in supply of their electricity from Utility Warehouse when we stop taking applications. Qualifying customers must be in receipt of one of the following:
- Income Support (not Pension Credit)
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) (not Contribution-based ESA)
- Universal Credit
- Household annual income less than £16,190*
- Pension Credit Guarantee & Savings, or Pension Credit Savings only
Qualifying customers also need to have any of the following:
- Child Tax Credit (with or without a disability or a severe disability element)
- A disability premium, enhanced disability premium or a severe disability premium
- Disability Living Allowance (for an adult or child within the household)/Attendance Allowance
- Long term Incapacity Benefit
- Has parental responsibility for a child under the age of five who lives with them
- Disabled child premium
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- State Pension
- Limited Capability for work element with or without a work-related activity element (as part of Universal Credit /per Universal Credit regulations)
- Pensioner Premium, Higher Pensioner Premium or Enhanced Pensioner Premium